
RiaW #168: Breaking Dawn Review Part 4 of 4


And with that, it’s over. Twilight is over. Unless Stephanie Meyer writes more books, which she’s threatened, but WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!

Breaking Dawn doesn’t end with a climax, like a normal book would. Instead, some tense negotiations lead to everybody getting what they want. Yay! The Twilight series is like March. It comes in like a sad lion at the zoo and goes out like a sad lion at a zoo.

In other news, Bella has a baby and they’re both allowed to live (?) which means she’s super happy and nobody in the story has grown or changed except Charlie’s mustache which has grown a bit but was trimmed back to avoid it changing. GOD I HATE THIS SERIES.

Twilight, it is with that I say to you, goodbye, good riddance, R.I.P., and yuck.

0 comments on “RiaW #168: Breaking Dawn Review Part 4 of 4

  1. E says:

    Almost sad, really. The end of an era…

  2. Gigi Kiersten says:

    I know these Twilight podcasts are really old, but they are so funny.. I nearly snorted out my tea I laughed so hard, so thanks!

  3. Alex Falcone says:

    Thanks, Gigi! I always worry these won’t hold up but I’m glad they do!

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