
RiaW #307: The Master of Disguise Review


Dana Carvey is… a master of disguise. You can tell because his name is Disguisey. What that means in practice? Some really bad impressions and a lot of fart jokes.

I’d write more about it but I’m #RidingEasy this week so I know pretty much nothing about this movie. Seems bad though.

0 comments on “RiaW #307: The Master of Disguise Review

  1. GeoffZoref says:

    Dana Carvey was in brown face in 2002 and that wasn’t PC back then? Two words and an article: “The Love Guru.” Two more words and a number: “Short Circuit 2.”He reminds me a bit of Chance The Gardner in “Being There.”Funniest line ever: In the response to why a man born and raised n America still has an Italian accent: “It isa not explained in thee-a moooovie.” I nearly spit out my drink when I heard that.

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