
RiaW #365: The Art of the Deal by Donald J. Trump reviewed


Back in 1987, back before he ever bragged about pussy grabbin, to Billy Bush, Donald J. Trump was a deal maker. Well, more like a sweaty conman in New York who owned some stuff largely due to loans and political capital given to him by his father.

Never shy about self-promotion, DJT “wrote” a book (with former journalist Tony Schwartz) about how great he was, a largely fictionalized tale of triumph in New York real estate market. He bought a hotel and made it better. He built a casino. He spent a long time talking about an ice rink for some reason?

We’re not a political show, so we focused on literary value of this “best selling business book of all time”, and found it to be about as successful as the tallest building in the world Donald built in Television City.

3 comments on “RiaW #365: The Art of the Deal by Donald J. Trump reviewed

  1. GeoffZoref says:

    Good choice. Topical. I too always wondered what sort of asshole used the helipad at 54th street. I grew up a few blocks from there, and it actually formed my fascination with helicopters.Totes agree on Tanya’s take on ostentatious wealth. If I won $100 million dollars in the lotto tomorrow, my life would change for sure, but I wouldn’t buy an airplane or five houses. I’d move to Madrid, buy an apartment, maybe start a business (a skateboard company) and a new car. I’d just upgrade my life, but I’d pretty mcuh live the life I’m living now, just with less economic anxiety.

  2. Michael says:

    One other deal that wasn’t mentioned in the book was when he cut of all medical care to his nephew with cerebral palsy.http://www.motherjones.com/

  3. Jim says:

    This episode doesn’t hold up super well.

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