
RiaW #405: Yuri on Ice WET MONTH FINALE


It’s time to say goodbye to Wet Month, so we decided to mix it up a bit by freezing to make an ice rink… and then putting hot boys on it so everybody else can get wet and stay wet.

Yuri on Ice is a sports anime about two figure skaters who are probably in love. They skate and take baths and skate and generally overreact to everything, because anime. The panel is pretty into it.

Thanks to our newest Meat Buddies Spakto Spackerson and Victoria from Phoenix!

GET WET STAY WET, (but also get warm and stay warm).

1 comment on “RiaW #405: Yuri on Ice WET MONTH FINALE

  1. Victoria/Moapyuru says:

    That pep talk was amazing!! I really appreciated it! Very motivating. 😀

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