Speaker: Tanya Smith

RiaW #352: Cloud Atlas (2012) Review

Sometimes the big suck suck is different from the little suck suck.

RiaW #351: Christian Mingle review feat Sarah Wendell

Single and ready to quiz you on bible verses

RiaW #344: The Bachelorette

Mojo for Jojo in a dojo with froyo

RiaW #342: Purple Rain starring Prince

A sexy, tiny man plays pranks on a young woman.

RiaW #341: The Man Who Fell To Earth

A British man finds love for gin.

RiaW #339: Samurai Pizza Cats w/ Anthony Lopez

Dancing Geriatric Bulldog Fail Videos

RiaW #338: #PODCRAWL: Look Who’s Talking

Listen to the other podcasts here: podcrawl.space

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