For the finale of #TheRocktober, we checked out Pain ampersand Gain, the light hearted comedy about a real group of body builders who tortured a business man for a month, stole everything he had, and murdered two other people.

Okay, okay, it’s not funny that those things really happened. And okay, it’s not funny in the movie either. But boy did Michael Bay try to make it funny. Along with his myriad superfluous camera angles, he pushed The Rock into one of his weirdest performances to date and really searched for the humor in this tragic story.

0 comments on “RiaW #364: Pain and Gain (2013)

  1. Michael says:

    A warning to Amy Miller about hooking up with Mark Wahlberg. (I think it was Amy who mentioned that wish). I had a co-worker who managed to do that way back when he was Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. She went to one his concerts and managed (being a real beauty) to score a backstage pass, which then translated to her riding him on his tour bus from So Cal to Phoenix. She said he was really good.
    But then the cheap bastard wouldn’t get her a ticket home. (My feelings. She seemed cool with it.) Her sister drove out to pick her up.As I said, she was a real beauty, and really smart, and I would’ve thought a plane ticket home wasn’t out of line.

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