70 mins

RiaW 4.48 – Secret Santa

December 16, 2021

For our final episode of Holly Hunter Days, of 2021 and of season 4, we’re kicking off our last annual Secret Santa movie exchange. We were each anonymously assigned a recipient and then chose a movie or show we thought they needed to see. And the results were pretty fun! Check it out. And thanks for joining us on another year of perfectly adequate podcasting.

1 comment on “RiaW 4.48 – Secret Santa

  1. wee Davey Freel says:

    Thank you boys for this wonderful episode. You share with such generosity the beautiful thing that is your friendship. I am so proud of you all. Almost weekly you lift me up, so so many happy hours. I am no longer economically inactive, I have fought for the help I need. I fight no more ,I’ll just try play nicely and hope to sometimes play beautifully when a friend comes to lift me up and stays right sized as I am trying to do.

    Sancho Panda, the Donkey, the bear with white hair who could tear you in half with his two hands but offers a cuddle even to the ones with malice with the hand he keeps behind his back to catch you as you fall.

    A boy who will try to use more wisely the scalpel that muzzled him from his true voice. The Whip with which he lashed and which lashes him hardest for…..it took so long to learn to play nicely with others, I simply didn’t understand the game. I am a very silly boy.

    Sorry Alex I forced you to abide with me, it was not my right but such was the warmth of the friendship you showed that I yearned to become part of it. That is the great work you do.

    We picked up the knives, now we put them down.

    A modest proposal.
    How about reading again ? Alex you can compare Gregory’s girl to the book. It is a beautiful story of how little boys need to be loved and so often the women know best how and who should love them. Ezra gets the Earthsea Books entire to read to his children when they have time, or leave the collection to be found. Hunter gets ‘The Riddle Master’s Game’ another book we may both have read though it is so seldom mentioned. Anthony gets ‘Legend’ by David Gemmell. ‘Legend; Is about a boy born strong and fearless who picks up an axe and evil men place a demon in it and he slays all before him telling him they are evil. In the end he gives his life to defend his people at the behest of Buddhist monks. He chooses to do good work and fight to do it. I wrote a poem about it once, I thought it was for a woman, it was not it was a love letter to myself. I will live it. My friends know me so well, I’m sorry for the two weeks not listening but I had a lot of walking and thinking and suffering to feel and joy to have in all of it.

    Read Fantasy, the books of youth, written with care so that children may never feel so much fear. Be held in the poetry of a loving mothers embrace so that, though the story be of the terror at the heart of the world, they need know no fear for such is the goodness that shines out of the them that they see it reflected when it is it written beautifully or read beautifully to them.

    Or the way Aneska and Franco and I see the world. Without fear and entire as children though we are taught to flee from what we know when we become seduced by the man. The man grown too big, the man with the big head.

    Swagger only when asked or to allow the body to unwind, swagger to salute, ask for permission to show only the that which must be seen so that wisdom need not die with every generation. Love is in the body, our own, the world is designed to torture us.

    Thank you for helping to let the light shine out of me.

    I bow, I applaude, I thumbs up. I look now for the honest work I may do to stop chasing the man with my whip.

    Satire is a finger up to the man, thumbs up is better.

    Thumbs up boys, you’ll do me proud, I already am.

    Nearly every week you have lifted me up. I cut so often and without wisdom yet how strong you are that you can still give me what I ask for, week after week.

    Honest entertainment.


    Sancho Panda, the bear with the white hair……The Husky Doggie who walks side by side with Maggie in our park. Neither shows off their ownership of the other nor does either presume to lead . They simply walk side by side and show the world respect by showing that love is equality. Just two dudes abiding.

    The world is not perfect, humans are apex predators, consume wisely and only what we need in all things. And forgive ourselves our temptations, our incisions, our venom and our boyishness. And do not be afraid, do not hate our nature, do not kill all the cows so that robots make our milk for otherwise.

    We are next, it has begun. We must fight.

    Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves. I pick up most pennies I see and give my notes directly to the homeless. Charities have become middle men.

    Sorry boys I am stinking of goodness, don’t worry though I’m healing fast, I’ll grow into myself soon.

    Look after humans and the world will take care of itself.

    Look after yourself boys, thanks for looking out for me.

    Your little rescue doggie, the Staffie who wanted to be a piitbull racehorse. Maybe I’ll be a sea horse soon, maybe my nephew who gets one as gift when I have the sense to take the good advice of a true artist.


    Thumbs up.

    I’ll join the patreon, be right sized, you guys consume as you see fit, it’s just a suggestion. I do hope you enjoy the new year gifts in your own good time or give one to a friend or a man in the street.

    A man like me.


    Thank you my friends for all of your gifts.

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