2009 - 2014
A podcast about bad books
Alex, Ezra, and Chris were college roommates and co-hosts of a late-night college radio show Dusty’s Tumbling Stunt Team. Now graduated and living far apart, they missed each other and were looking for an opportunity to hang out more.
When their then-girlfriends (now-wives) started a book club and didn’t even invite them, their jealousy fueled the creation of a rival book club, originally called The Better Than That Other Book Club Book Club. Since they’d been wanting to relive their glory days of radio anyway, they decided to make the club public by podcasting it.
Because Alex was an improviser at the time and he kept getting Twilight as a suggestion, he thought it’d be fun to start with that. That quickly escalated with the (in hindsight terrible) idea of focusing on bad books. They challenged themselves to say at least two compliments of every book they read and the “Compliment Sandwich” remains a staple to this day.
2015 - 2016
The Tanya Years
The show barreled on, expanding to movies and TV shows, creating signatures like the character Space Shark, and developing an obsession with mummies, dinosaurs, and meat.
The boys grew older. They got married–Ezra to his high school sweetheart, Alex to his college sweetheart, and Chris to fan-favorite-guest Tanya. Alex became a full-time comedian. And Ezra had his first child (an adorable monster named Caleb).
With Ez on paternity leave, Tanya jumped in and was such a great addition that when Ezra came back and couldn’t commit to the rigorous schedule, the two agreed to a job-share, alternating turns in the third co-hosting chair. It was magical, and these years will surely be known as the golden age of Read it and Weep.

2017 - Present
No longer just about sadness
Ezra and Alex finally released their oft-referenced young-adult novel about a girl who falls in love with a mummy. It was their best-selling novel to date.
Chris and Tanya moved to New York to pursue cool adult-type careers, and eventually the work load of bad books, movies, and TV was just too much to maintain and they were forced to take early retirement.
With Ezra still part time, Alex undertook a heroic effort to rebuild the show (and write long histories of it in the 3rd person). He added his good friend, comedian Anthony Lopez, as a new full time co-host. Anthony’s obsession with and knowledge about movies pushed the show to become what it is now: a podcast about movies and what we can learn from watching them.
We’ve been having a really good time with themed months, so probably there will be more of those.
As usual, the reactions from the fans have been so adequate we’re keeping on keeping on.
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