
RiaW #138: Excalibur Review


Before there were drawn out elections for national leaders, with debates and attack ads, people did things the easy way.  The king was the man who pulled a magical sword forged by a river maiden out of a large rock.

Don’t let the delightful premise fool you.  Excalibur is not a happy romp through medieval legend with occassional squirrel-mating, like in the Disney movie.  No.  It’s an epic of awkward sword fighting in armor, incestuousness, fog machines, and metal skull caps.  It’s filmed in the forests of Ireland and despite having some great actors, is mostly just weird.

Avery Monsen joins us in our confusion about the plot, tells us about his dreams, and is charming and fun as always.  He’s got a new book out called All My Friends Are Still Dead and it’s delightful.  Go buy it now.

Thanks to Nancy for sponsoring this episode!

14 comments on “RiaW #138: Excalibur Review

  1. Nancy says:

    I guess lots of people are undoubtedly sheer awesomeness of this because the audio has been buffering for at least 2 minutes

  2. Alex Falcone says:

    Oops! No, I’m just in the process of uploading it and it shouldn’t have gone live yet. It’ll be there very shortly!

  3. Alex Falcone says:

    Ta da!

  4. Nancy says:

    Got it now – great quote (and my favorite) from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
    ” Strange woman lying in ponds is no basis for a system of Government”.
    And the Lion in Winter is awesome. Katherine Hepburn, Peter O’Toole, Anthony Hopkins, and Timothy Dalton. Sample lines – “I’d hang your from the nipples but you’d shock the children” , “I wonder if you wonder if I ever slept with your father, it’s a lie”, and “well, what families doesn’t have it’s ups and downs” – spoken by Katherine. There is also a great “I know that you know, that I know” exchange.

  5. Nancy says:

    It is also the only movie I actually walked of. I have a high tolerance for dreck in movies and If I don’t like a book, I don’t finish it

  6. Nancy says:

    I also have some queued up for sponsorship –
    The fourth man ��” dutch movie that was remade into Basic Instinct
    The world, then the fireworks – bizarro Billy Zane
    Eraserhead – David Lynch – enuf saidSo when sponsorships open up – watch out

  7. Nancy says:

    There is also Caligula – a movie that attempts (unsuccessfully to be a serious film with serious actors intercut with porn)

  8. Nancy says:

    I mean exaliber not the lion in winter

  9. Nancy says:

    I has poor grammar skillz. I are an engineer

  10. Nancy says:

    Also with Helen Mirren, Malcom McDowell and Peter O’Toole

  11. Nancy says:

    I have lots of flicks that I would sponsor but this is the new fav
    Here are some more that I will sponsorThe fourth man ��” dutch version – http://www.imdb.com/title/t
    The world, then the fireworks – http://www.imdb.com/title/t
    The weekend ��” jean luc godard – http://dvd.netflix.com/Movi
    The forbidden zone – http://dvd.netflix.com/Movi
    Red shoes diaries – http://dvd.netflix.com/Movi…and it is cool the captcha has contempt as one the wordsQ

  12. Br.Bill says:

    Ha ha! Awesome. This used to be my favorite movie until I, er, grew up.

  13. Nancy says:

    Prince John – http://www.youtube.com/watc… and wait to around the 5 min. mark for the I know that you know scene

  14. Andrew says:

    This is recognised as one of the great bonkers British movies only Zardoz has it beat.Agree on ‘The Lion In Winter’ – a great movie.

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