
RiaW #188: Gilmore Girls Reviewed


JustbecauseI’mtalkingfast doesn’tmeanI’mclever.

Remember the WB? Yeah, me too. It had such great shows as [file not found]. It also had some not great shows like the Gilmore Girls, the pop-culture-referencing, bad-relation-example-setting, will-they-or-won’t-they drama comedy set in small town America. It’s a delightful romp if you like bad jokes, bad boyfriends, bad moms, and bad coffee.

It’s Nick’s guilty pleasure, so you know he does.

Speaking of Nick, make sure you check out his sketch show Planet Town. It’s very funny.

0 comments on “RiaW #188: Gilmore Girls Reviewed

  1. Brian says:

    I just stumbled across this podcast a while ago and I don’t know if I should listen to this episode or not. While the final season had it’s issues, the show as a whole was actually quite good. It was well received critically, won an emmy, and is on several “best of TV” lists. Calling it terrible in the summary rubs me the wrong way. I’m not familiar enough with the podcast to know if this is tongue-in-cheek or if i’m going to be annoyed if I listen to it…

  2. Alex Falcone says:

    I hated it, but the other three guys liked it. Since I write the summaries, I got to say it’s terrible. But you’ll definitely like the podcast.

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