If you ever watched Hamlet and thought “this has too much excitement” then Lisa Klein’s book Ophelia is for you.
Ophelia imagines a world where the insane woman in Hamlet is only pretending to be insane and instead of being dead she just pretends to be dead and instead of just being told to get herself to a nunnery, she gets herself there. And stays there. For 1/3 of the book.
It’s basically Shakespearean slash fic with modern sensibility and no slashing.
Thanks to Emily for sponsoring this episode! And welcome back Papa Ezra (on a part-time basis at least).
This reminds me of when I went to see the Hamlet opera, as presented by the New York Metropolitan Opera during their Met At The Movies Simulcast Series.Ophelia has a whole scene in which she has a bunch of wheat, sings a big long aria about how she’s so sad, and then stabs herself with a knife.Then she sings a big long aria about how she’s dying, and finally collapses on the stage and dies.AND THEN she gets up AGAIN, and vocalizes ANOTHER ten minutes or so, and this whole stretch of time,she’s flingin’ wheat EVERYWHERE.
New level of suck: The head and neck thing is totally from My Big Fat Greek Wedding!