Mainstream viewers claim Ancient Aliens is a cynical ploy by the History Channel to capitalize on crazy conspiracy theorists. But could it actually be a documentary uncovering the greatest secrets in the history of the earth, namely that all ancient civilizations were visited by aliens who left only oblique clues about themselves? Ancient alien theorists say “yes”.

If they’re right, the pyramids were built by telepathy, dinosaurs were murdered by space ships, and the arc of the covenant carried a nuclear reactor. And boy, do I want them to be right! What a fun world these people with crazy hair live in! No matter what, everything has a more complicated explanation.

Thanks to our sponsors Jacob and Melina from Des Moines for this fun romp.

0 comments on “RiaW #282: Ancient Aliens

  1. Jacob and Melina says:

    Absolutely loved it! Sorry that we broke Tanya. I only wish you could have watched some of the crazier ones that aren’t on Netflix. Some of my favorite moments include a sphinx on Mars, Vikings who must have flown because they traveled by boat not by land, and how the number twelve must be important because it pops up a lot: 12 hours in a day, 12 months in a year, and 12 in a dozen. Happy foreign bodies month!

  2. W says:

    This and the last episodes begin somewhere in the middle — hard to listen to.

  3. Alex Falcone says:

    Hey, friend! I know it SOUNDS like it starts in middle but we’re playing with the format a bit. I hope you grow to like it or we give up on it!

  4. Alex Falcone says:

    So glad you guys enjoyed it! I really thought it was perfect podcast fodder. Vikings and Mars Sphinx sound great but really the dinosaur episode was the best thing I’ve ever seen.

  5. GeoffZoref says:

    Great episode. Great source material.My favorite claim has to be the ancient Incan trinket that resembles an airplane. They claim to build it to scale with a working motor. They claim that they didn’t have to change a thing except for the motor; they just scaled it up.That’s all well and good, except that the scales up model looks nothing like the original trinket. At all. But even if this is true and the Incas had flight, how does that follow that aliens visited Earth in ancient times???

  6. Alex Falcone says:

    And even then, “we didn’t modify anything but the motor” is such a ridiculous claim because THE MOTOR IS A BIG MODIFICATION.I took this fish and added wheels and an engine and drove it around like a car, proving that aliens created fishcars.

  7. Danny says:

    I think the best moment of my college life was finding out that one of my classmates was the daughter of someone who worked on this show, a producer or writer or something, and her telling the class that they ran out of things to talk about after the first season but the network wouldn’t let them die so they just had to come up with more and more ridiculous stuff while presumably having their souls die a little bit more each day.

  8. GeoffZoref says:

    I also wonder: if the Incas had airplanes, why did they make a gold trinket of an airplane? Was it like when you fly on Delta they give kids those little Pins that looks like wings. Was that what they gave the children when they flew Incan Airlines back thousands of years ago?

  9. Michael says:

    There’s a similar claim about a carved wooden bird from an Egyptian tomb. If you make a copy out of a lighter wood, and add a stabilizer tail, it will make a descent glider. Therefore, ancient Egyptians had airplanes.

  10. GeoffZoref says:

    They had decent gliders, brought to them by aliens. Nach.

  11. GeoffZoref says:

    I still love this episode, and after listening to it again, I looked around for videos debunking Ancient Aliens. Well, this guy made a three hour video fully debunking every single claim made. With a lot of footnotes and evidence. You guys poked some great holes in this idiotic theory. This guy shot an ICBM at Ancient Aliens:

  12. Ghost Jacob and Melina says:

    We were listening to this episode again and have an update. You talked about being bummed that thousands of years from now they would attribute our accomplishments to aliens, but I have bad news for you: they are already doing that. On a recent episode, they claimed that “thought experiments” were actually trances or meditative states… They claimed a bunch of scientists could never figure this stuff out while focusing primarily on Einstein and his (read: the aliens’) theory of relativity. I died that day.

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