
RiaW #293: Big Trouble in Little China Reviewed


Do you like your action movies campy and a little racist? Then you’re going to love Big Trouble in Little China! It’s really fun and the special effects hold up surprisingly well. Kurt Russel’s mullet does not.

We also look like geniuses because it was just announced this week that it’s getting remade. We watchi BTLC before it was cool.

Thanks to Jeff for sponsoring and thanks to first-item guest Allie Goertz! She sings nerdy love songs and hosts a podcast about the Simpson’s!

0 comments on “RiaW #293: Big Trouble in Little China Reviewed

  1. Mim Overcast says:

    Wang knew he couldn’t cut the bottle in half- his intention was to knock Jack out and take the money, ’cause he just that kind of friend

  2. Cardboard Tube Knight says:

    It actually wasn’t Jackie Chan from what I can find on the internet. It was another actor named Jim Lau, I think.

  3. tirsden frozenrayn says:

    Yessss I am a cutlet! Or is that Cutlet with a capital C? The world may never know… *ominous thunder sounds.* As for the Vin Diesel version of Big Trouble In Little China, clearly it needs to be Riddick (I didn’t pick that last name for nothing when I changed names). Beefy Trouble In Little China? Betting it’d be a much darker movie. I think Riddick would also wonder how the heck he went back in time. But hey, clean slate! Oh right, then he would just kill a bunch of dudes. Oops. XD

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