
RiaW #306: Pretty Little Liars Reviewed


Five teenage girls are best friends until one goes missing. Then they turn into… ex best friends united by a secret about a blind girl. And then… man, it’s confusing with all these time jumps.

We watched Pretty Little Liars s01e01, s02e09, and s03e09 and while the first one was intriguing, the others made no sense at all. Somebody murdered somebody. Somebody is blind or isn’t. Everybody’s cheating and nobody seems upset that teacher is dating a 16-year-old.

And for the debut of #EasyMonth, Chris didn’t have to watch it! Amazing!

Happy September, Caitlyn, and thanks for sponsoring, Caitlyn’s friend Just Sarah!

0 comments on “RiaW #306: Pretty Little Liars Reviewed

  1. GeoffZoref says:

    Hey guys,
    Actually I had and idea for a bad movie podcast in which two of the members have watched the movie and every episode one hasn’t watched it.Hopefully, the movie will be so bad and inept that it will to spark a strange and confused dialogue that will sound like the insane and schizophrenic ramblings of a mad man to the person who has not watched the movie.

  2. Cardboard Tube Knight says:

    PLL is legitimately fun to watch. I’ve just started season six and we’re to the point where there are multiple “A”s, three of the girls have killed someone, and characters have been shot, hit by cars, almost cooked alive in giant ovens.It’s crazy, but it’s so much fun. Also the time line makes no sense. Season 1 through six take place over two years. Season 4-13 to 5-13 takes place over one month.

  3. Alex Falcone says:

    Whoa whoa whoa. WHAT??? Three of them have killed people? WTF????

  4. Alex Falcone says:

    It’s a great idea but because we did it first you have to pay us a nickle per listener you get.

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