
RiaW #367: The US Presidential Election reviewed


The finale of the 58th season of the show Presidential Elections in the United States went live last week and it had a pretty big twist ending. We dealt with it the way we do with anything we struggle to understand, we podcasted about it.

This episode probably isn’t for everybody, but for a few of you, maybe it’ll help you.

0 comments on “RiaW #367: The US Presidential Election reviewed

  1. GeoffZoref says:

    Fucking zero stars, two thumbs down for 2016.
    I really liked your guest, Caitlin Gill. Very funny and smart.Alex. I don’t know that I agree with your view that we Liberals shouldn’t think of conservatives stupid. However, one of my favorite political/media sites, The Daily Howler has been hammering that idea home for years.
    Basically he says that we liberals think we are so very smart, yet we openly insult groups like the White Working Class, who used to be a strong Democratic voting bloc. How smart is that?

  2. Pere Ubu says:

    Caitlin should be on more – she’s great! And, hell, I’m a straight white male – someone who should have been down with Trump – and yet I recognize that he’s evil in an overpriced suit and, if not a fascist himself, is at least willing to surround himself with people with anti-democratic beliefs.Aw, screw it. He’s a fascist.

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