When the government loses control of their evil creation, a half-shark half-octopus that makes no physical sense whatsoever, it goes on a killing spree along the beaches of Mexican tourist towns. Are you filled with questions at this point? We were too, but that’s why we followed our Compliment Sandwich with a new segment called Clarezra Explains It All. Then, we try to answer the age old question, who would win in a fight, Sharktopus, Space Shark, or Ghost Shark? After a lively discussion, we opt to settle things in a three-way rap battle. Next up it’s the return of Lightning Bonus Round.
Psh, these guys are weak sauce. Are they made entirely out of cities? Didn’t think so. Sharktopolis 1. Other Sharks: 0.
If I had his rap skills or he had my comedy, we’d be an unstoppable half rapper half comedian.
Kool Keith-halfsharkalligator halfman