
RiaW #65: Sharktopus Reviewed


When the government loses control of their evil creation, a half-shark half-octopus that makes no physical sense whatsoever, it goes on a killing spree along the beaches of Mexican tourist towns. Are you filled with questions at this point? We were too, but that’s why we followed our Compliment Sandwich with a new segment called Clarezra Explains It All. Then, we try to answer the age old question, who would win in a fight, Sharktopus, Space Shark, or Ghost Shark? After a lively discussion, we opt to settle things in a three-way rap battle. Next up it’s the return of Lightning Bonus Round.

3 comments on “RiaW #65: Sharktopus Reviewed

  1. Sharktopolis says:

    Psh, these guys are weak sauce. Are they made entirely out of cities? Didn’t think so. Sharktopolis 1. Other Sharks: 0.

  2. Alex Falcone says:

    If I had his rap skills or he had my comedy, we’d be an unstoppable half rapper half comedian.

  3. Late Inthagame says:

    Kool Keith-halfsharkalligator halfman

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