
RiaW #68: The Power Reviewed – Part 2


The second half of The Power finally reveals Rhonda Byrne’s true intentions. The greatest power in the universe should be used to get money, seduce husbands, and save on medical bills by dying of curable diseases. We attack all three of these plans by showing that a love-alanche doesn’t necessarily bring a cash-alanche. And by relating everything back to cake. Will the Law of Attraction bring us cake? Tune in next week to find out.

7 comments on “RiaW #68: The Power Reviewed – Part 2

  1. Alex Falcone says:

    Yes we cake! Yes we cake!

  2. Get Your Feeling Field! says:

    And make eggs in the microwave!

  3. mouse says:

    Silly rabbit the cake is a lie.

  4. gliblord says:

    Great podcast guys

  5. Patrick Phelan says:

    One question about this episode – the music behind Chris’s POINTS OF POWER! summary isn’t listed in the “Music from this Episode” list. It’s something from Metal Gear Solid, right?

  6. Alex Falcone says:

    Oh man. You’re right it really sounds like that but it isn’t. It’s from a movie score and despite wasting the last 40 minutes looking for it, I can’t figure out which one. But it does sound a lot like the Metal Gear Solid theme.

  7. It’s called harassment, ya dinguses. It can be done via phone.

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