
RiaW #75: Dianetics Reviewed – Part 1


Dianetics is bullshit. Summary completed. Oh, you want more than that?  Okay. In this episode we take on L. Ron Hubbard’s work of idiotology. We use his fake discovery, “engrams,” to make each other do silly things. We invite L. Ron on the show to defend his book in The Writers’ Room. And now, a limerick.


There once was a man named L. Ron

Who hated psychology a ton

If you read his religion

You could only imagine

What kind of drugs he was on!

0 comments on “RiaW #75: Dianetics Reviewed – Part 1

  1. Uncle Steven....... (Ezra says:

    Google R2-45. Check out Wikipedia on it. The question surfaces, Do they kill people that disagree with them (Scientology)? Clearing, from auditing, can be maneuvered with their repetitive processes to a certain mind control. It could help give the auditee some insights, but the alleviation from problems is given as conditional, like candy to a child…

  2. VendettaD says:

    You are now my hero.

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