
RiaW #80: Gigli Review


Gigli (rhymes with really. As in “Really? Who approved this?”) is summarized on IMDB this way:

The violent story about how a criminal lesbian, a tough-guy hit-man with a heart of gold, and a retarded man came to be best friends through a hostage.

How could something like this possibly be bad?  Well, for starters, Al Pacino is in the movie for 5 minutes and Ben Affleck is in all of the minutes.  That’s a poor casting decision.  Other than that, the movie is just a mess.  The plot is as confused as the female lead’s sexual orientation.  The dialog is muddy, and the score manages to contrast with the mood the entire time.  All in all, it’s a perfect movie for us to watch.

0 comments on “RiaW #80: Gigli Review

  1. James Lipton says:

    JLo, your badonkadonk has fierceness.

  2. Shindig says:

    Big woot!

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