Speaker: Tanya Smith

RiaW #286: Furious 7

Just two hams talkin about family

RiaW #285: Diva (1981)

A diva is a French version of a hustler.

RiaW #284: Freaky Friday (2003)

The day between Thirsty Thursday and Spooky Saturday

RiaW #282: Ancient Aliens

Occam’s fertilizer

RiaW #280: BMX Bandits (1983)

A 90 minute chase scene starring Nicky Kids

RiaW #277: Anonymous Rex by Eric Garcia

The real mystery is why Eric thought this was a good idea.

RiaW #274: Angels In America

In The Outfield… Touching You…

RiaW #272: Desperately Seeking Santa

Let’s ruin a leprechaun on a pile of gold.

RiaW #270: The Truth About Charlie

Is that he’s in a silly movie.

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