Speaker: Sarah Hatheway

Our most frequent and beloved guest and a great friend of ours from college. Check out her podcast about fashion and wrestling Kay Fab!

RiaW #295: Criminal Minds Review

Quite possibly not really FBI agents

RiaW #283: Going Home by A. American

A survivalist’s guide to never being wrong

RiaW #280: BMX Bandits (1983)

A 90 minute chase scene starring Nicky Kids

RiaW #267: Black Water (Pendragon 5) by D. J. MacHale

People who are cat people are the luckiest people in the multiverse.

RiaW #259: Robin Hood (2010)

Robs from your childhood and gives to depression.

RiaW #244: The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen

This is not a good book. We regret the error.

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